About Our Club
Our club (Coffs Table Tennis Club Inc.) is an all age club and we are keen to grow the sport of
table tennis in Coffs Harbour. In conjunction with the Over 50's Club, we run table tennis from our venue
at 189B Harbour Drive Coffs Harbour.
Prior to the venue at 189B commencing in April 2011, our club played at the Coffs Ex-Services Club
for about 30 years. We have grown our numbers quite considerably at this venue and cater for players
of all standards from beginner to the advanced.
We cater for visitors to Coffs Harbour, playing social table tennis at all our current sessions
including in conjunction with our competition on Friday nights.
We are keen to promote the sport to new players. It is a great family sport and we are keen to
have a strong junior group.
Our specific times are Wednesday and Friday evenings from 6 pm to 9 pm and Sunday
afternoon from 1 pm to 4.00 pm. The Over 50's Club attends on Saturday afternoon when the
play is also "all age" from 1 pm to 4 pm.
We have a very good venue with seven quality tables, excellent lighting and flooring, a separate
Robot Room and kitchen facilities.
The Robot is permanently set up on a table and can be set to a player's requirements. It sends
out balls for a player to return and collects the returned balls via a netting arrangement.

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